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It's nearly the weekend, the forecast is great, so it's definitely time to get the BBQ out and gather with friends and family in the garden. But what are you going to cook? A successful BBQ requires a little planning and preparation. Taking a moment to consider who you’re cooking for, how many, what the conditions might be, and what equipment you’ve got. It's important to think not just about what you're going to cook, but also how you’re going to cook it. Do you need to marinate anything ahead of time? How long will it take to cook? Is it worth considering reverse searing some items? Reverse searing is an ideal way to manage larger items on the BBQ, where you…
If you browse online BBQ articles you’ll be confronted with all manner of exotic equipment, but the truth is you really don’t need that much to get the most out of your outdoor cooking. It’s more than likely that you’ve already everything you need. We've already covered simple BBQs and grills in our basics guide, so we're going to focus here on the additional items that you'll need. We'll also look at planning and preparation, so that when you start to cook you can be sure that everything is in order. The Essentials Chimney Starter If you're using a solid fuel BBQ, a chimney starter is a great way to manage your fuel. It only requires a small amount of paper or…
One critical factor in the success of a BBQ is the fuel used, and the truth is it's often a neglected one. We're going to focus on solid fuels in this article as for gas grills there's really only one standard in the UK. When it comes to charcoal and wood, it really is worth making it a priority. Budget is of course a factor, but it makes little sense to spend good money on quality meat, only to ruin it with your choice of fuel. First of all, there's a big difference between lumpwood and briquettes. Lumpwood is the traditional product, produced by burning wood without oxygen present (retorting), to leave a product rich in carbon. Briquettes are made by processing…
The great British BBQ. An institution you might think, as at the first sign of good weather the nation seems to be gripped by BBQ fever. It hasn't always been that way though, in fact, you could say we were pretty late to the (garden) party. Believed to originate in the Caribbean, where 'babacoa' refered to the stick based grill structures that produced beautifully charred and smoky meats, it took us Brits a long time to get hooked on outdoor cooking. Although our cousins in the US and Australia have a BBQ culture stretching back hundreds of years, when BBQ arrived here in the 16th century it's fair to say that, far from embracing the idea, it was seen as a novelty,…
Rib-eyes in the pan
Cooking the Perfect Steak Believe it or not, the word steak comes from the old Norse word, steikjo, and originally meant to roast on a spit, something that has always been popular here in England. There's clearly something primeval about cooking a large steak, something that calls to the soul, even if we've moved on a bit in terms of equipment and method. The perfect steak starts, of course, with sourcing the absolute best quality meats. With our years of experience, fantastic suppliers, and passion for our craft, that’s something you don’t have to worry about when you buy from us. After that though it’s all up to you, but you can’t go far wrong if you follow our top tips! Choosing…
Top Turkey Tips Turkey is the quintessential Christmas dinner, yet despite it's enduring appeal and popularity it's notoriously difficult to cook well. Facing off a giant, uncooked turkey on Christmas morning, knowing that the full weight of expectation sits squarely on your shoulders, is serious pressure. So with that in mind here's our ultimate top tips guide to ensure a fuss free experience that you'll enjoy as much as the rest of the family. Choose your Turkey Well Choose the wrong turkey and it all gets a bit harder. Luckily, we're here to help. Just pop into the shop and we'll happily discuss your requirements and see you right. Some of the things to consider though are: Fresh or Frozen - We…